MADRID, Spain — Feels good to be back writing this piece.
Attending the annual Running with the Bulls in Pamplona was a blast.
The bull run itself — stretching back to the 14th century — was the main event.
Been to a lot of events all over but this one is my undisputed choice as top pick.
Nothing comes close.
It’s second to none.
Right now, I can’t think of anything that could top it.
Summiting Mount Everest?
Firstly, that ain’t fun.
How about skydiving?
Don’t think so. It ain’t fun, either. It’s damn scary as hell.
Perhaps, the Oktoberfest in Munich would be a good option. Or even Brazil’s Carnival.
But anyway, it feels great to be back.
While the bull run — called encierro — is not as perilous as a bull fight, it has claimed numerous lives as well not only in Pamplona but elsewhere.
Almost everyone I talked to told me to be extremely careful because anything can happen.
During the fourth run on Monday, a couple of mozos (runners) was tossed in the air and hit the pavement hard.
Several others fell on the ground as they ran for their lives as the rampaging bulls rumbled through the cobbled streets of Pamplona’s old town.
In the past, runners were on the receiving end of the bulls’ deadly horns.
In the last 100 years, about 10 people have lost their lives trying to run alongside the raging bulls.
To be honest, it’s crazy doing this stuff.
But ever since I read about this when I was a kid, I had envisioned myself taking part.
The wonderful experience was made possible by the staffers of the Oficina Internacional de Prensa (International Press Center) composed of Miguel, Begoña, Carlota, Adriana, Cristina, Ivan and Alejandra.
By the time this piece comes out, I should already be back in Manila unpacking my things and sorting out souvenirs and trinkets to be given to friends and family.
It’s been a hell of a ride lasting three weeks that brought me and my family to Rome, Naples and Pompei and in Portugal.
The side trips to off-the-beaten sites in Galicia were also enriching.
But Pamplona is a cut above the rest.
Preparation for the 2024 bull run begins today.