Unheralded, unrated and young Andrei Ainsley Dolorosa of Davao scored two upset wins against the big guns on the first day of the Manny Pacquiao/1000 GM International Chess tournament Friday in General Santos City.
The 14-year-old Dolorosa, a student of Ateneo de Davao, thwarted former Gensan Open champion Sherwin Tiu in the morning opening game and beat reigning Asian Seniors chess champion International Master Chito Garma later in the afternoon, to join 10 others with two points.
Dolorosa, an AFM, (Arena FIDE Master), was matching wits with International Master Hamed Nouri as of press time in third round battles. Nouri has 1.5 points and is tied with 10 others, in this rich tournament which was joined by six foreign masters.
IM Ruud van Meegen of the Netherlands, also has 1.5 points along with FM Mark Jay Bacojo, IM Ricardo de Guzman, IM Eric Labog Jr. and FM Elan Asuela.
Top seed grandmaster Novendra Priasmoro of Indonesia was facing eighth seed veteran international master Rolando Nolte on Board One while another GM, Darwin Laylo, was locked against FM David Elorta on Board Two action.
Fourth seed IM Oleg Bagmatsyrenov, playing under FIDE flag, also has two points. He was facing fellow IM Arif Abdul Hafiz of Indonesia. Alexey Polschikov of Russia was playing the black pieces against FM Alekhine Nouri.
Second seed IM Josiah Stearman of the United States lost to FIDE Master Jeth Romy Morado in the second round. He has one point, along with 25 others.