OPINION Sports in prison A short note described the pair as ‘used to torture political prisoners’ tech@tribune.net.ph17 January 2023
OPINION Bigger, better Ballout set Ballout president Cris Bautista expects a better turnout this season as competition gets tougher. tech@tribune.net.ph14 January 2023
OPINION Melvin’s masterpiece On the day he set foot in Osaka early last week, Melvin Jerusalem’s promoter came calling. Just before their plane took off from Mactan... tech@tribune.net.ph10 January 2023
OPINION Justin Noypi For Pinoy basketball fans, not just the Ginebra diehards, Brownlee’s biggest achievement was his willingness to become one of us — a Filipino. tech@tribune.net.ph7 January 2023
OPINION Wanted: New boxing hero Melvin Jerusalem quietly slipped out of the country on Tuesday morning from Cebu’s Mactan International Airport without any fanfare. Joined by his chief hander... tech@tribune.net.ph3 January 2023
OPINION Phl boxing on high alert Philippine professional and amateur boxing will be on red alert the whole of 2023. On the pro front, several Filipino fighters have already secured... tech@tribune.net.ph27 December 2022
OPINION Cholo hopes to become No. 1 Year 2022 was promising, but Villanueva wants to begin the new year as a champion. tech@tribune.net.ph24 December 2022
OPINION Going big in 2023 It looks like Philippine boxing is poised for a big rebound in 2023. After seeing all of its world champions get dethroned, there seems... tech@tribune.net.ph20 December 2022
OPINION Home of new cage heroes Three teams are currently tied for second to fourth places — Layba Trucking Cabuyao, Blue Steel Sab Pablo and KDL Calamba, which all carry... tech@tribune.net.ph17 December 2022
OPINION Heart and Seoul While the city of Goyang is a mere 25 kilometers from the capital of Seoul, it felt as though it was 100 kilometers away.... tech@tribune.net.ph13 December 2022